Tuesday 18 November 2014

The National Trust lists 50 things to do before you are 11¾. Is this an alternative to Forest Schools?

This article will be looking at list provided by the national trust and comparing it with forest schools. What is said in this post is my opinion and I’m sure will differ from others. I believe that yes it does, I think that this list provides more opportunities for children to discover outside the realms of guided learning. By this children have more say in what activity they wish to participate in, giving them a sense of freedom, but with a goal still attached with the activity.

A reason that this list may be regarded an alternative, is that of the location. An issue of forest schools is that of the location, it is harder to organise such events in the center of London compared to more rural areas. This list presents the opportunity for these tasks to be after school or at the weekends when there is more time available. Unlike forest schools this now presents a new domain, with parents being able to get involved with their children on a learning and discovery path. 

Poll taken from the Telegraph, this list is gathering the opinions of online users to deem the effectiveness of the guide.

The image of the poll over shows that this kind of experience is valued and needed, with 95% in favour and 5% against. What is more important is the 5%, why have they said these activities are “impractical”. I believe being able to attempt even 1 is viable, no matter what the location. Unlike forest schools you can do what you want and when you want, for the 5% I challenge you to ask your child or children which of these they have done! I am glad to say that I have achieved all of these, before the list was even published. I did not do this on my own but with help and guidance from the local scout troop and school trips.

Once again thanks for reading

Any feedback will be welcomed.



  1. It's great that something like this can be an easy guide for parents to get out and have some creative fun / play with their children in an outdoor environment. Do you personally feel that children over the targeted age group of this post would benefit from a similar list? Perhaps you might like to create one for your next post!

  2. Thanks for the feedback, that's a great question James. I shall give it a go and see where it leads me, but i'm not sure how engaged people are when they reach a certain age. I think some investigation is need in the matter.
